Official Ministerial Meetings Based Forum

Under the Official Patronage of the Minister of Higher Education
HE Dr Rawya Saud Albusaidi
MENA Innovation 2019 will take place in Muscat under the official patronage of the Omani Minister of Higher Education. The full weight of the Omani Government is behind the organisation of the forum that will also include ministerial participation from the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Communications & multiple government stakeholders. This high-level meetings based forum will bring together ministers, senior government officials, universities and civil society stakeholders from across the Middle East & North Africa to engage with leading industry operators and solution providers.
The organisers, Brains Innovation Summits, have established the most successful meetings-based format between industry and government decision-makers across the Middle East and Africa. This official ministerial forum represents the perfect opportunity to do face-to-face business, at the most senior level, by booking pre-scheduled meetings, whilst enjoying a wealth of content dedicated to education, ICT and innovation.
This landmark event will bring together ministers and senior officials for education, ICT, higher education and science & technology from all participating countries with personal invitations being extended by the Omani Government. Under one roof we have the participation of the most important government officials, universities, inter-governmental organisations, school consortia, financiers, solution providers and key stakeholders from the MENA region.
MENA Innovation 2019 is the must attend event for developing public-private partnerships across the region and the ideal platform for industry to engage with new partners and existing clients alike. 19 regional ministers and 170 government officials engaged with over 250 education & ICT industry leaders at the inaugural MENA Innovation in Cairo, July 2018. We trust all participants can share in the ongoing success in 2019.

“The people that attend is astonishing. It’s hard for me to think of a similar event around the world that has so many high level officials.”
Dr Steven McKee – President, Labtech International

“The most beneficial meetings to us are with high level executives and ministers of education. The forum works very well for us.”
Peter Harden – Managing Director, York Press

Pre-Scheduled Meetings for Industry Partners

The centrepiece of MENA Innovation 2019 will be the pre-scheduled meetings for industry partners to book, in advance, their preferred ministries, countries and organisations to interact with customers and maximise return on time spent participating at the forum.
“The key feature of the forum is the connection between industry and the government ministries of education & ICT.”
Phil Odour – Education Manager, Microsoft
Within the main conference arena, over 60 dedicated meeting tables will be set up for ministries of ICT, education, higher education, finance, science & technology, universities, colleges and consortium for private schools from Middle East and North African countries. Industry partners obtain access to our online scheduling system allowing them to choose meetings, create their own agenda and specifically target key clients and partners prior to the start of the forum. It is a format that ensures a successful forum for all participants and above all it is what makes MENA Innovation 2019 stand alone as a unique working event for getting business done.
Equally the ministers and officials hosting the meetings regard attendance as essential, allowing them to meet industry leaders, solution providers and their regional counterparts. The meetings represent a great opportunity for officials to gain expertise from the market, hear of the latest product and technological developments and, under one roof, engage with private sector operators who can fulfil the demands for education, ICTs, e-finance and e-government in their country.

“It’s been terrific to meet with ministers of education and discuss how we can work together. We get the chance to
meet dozens of delegations of the three days. I would see us coming back again.”
Kelli Campbell – President, Discovery Education

Participating Ministries & Organisations

“ICT makes an enormous difference. It improves educational skills, learning & teaching skills and helps support teachers.”
Rt. Hon Charles Clarke – Former UK Secretary of State for Education, Cambridge Consultant
Personal invitation letters from the Government of Oman to participate in the forum have been received by the following ministries representing their governments to ensure that MENA Innovation 2019 has a record attendance of senior officials from the following MENA countries:
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Ministry of National Education
Ministry of Training and Professional Education
Ministry of Post, Information and Communication Technologies and Digital Economy
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications
Ministry of Higher Education & Research
Ministry of National Education & Professional Training
Ministry of Communications
Egypt Ministry of Education & Technical Education
Egypt Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Egypt Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Education, Higher Education & Research
Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship
Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Office of the Prime Minister
Ministry of Education
Ministry of National Education & Vocational Training
Ministry of Higher Education, Research, ICTs and Media
Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research
Ministry of Industry, Investment, Trade and Digital Economy
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Ministry of Telecommunications & Information Technology
Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Ministry of Education & Higher Education
Ministry of Post, Telecom and Technology
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Communication & Information Technology
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research
Ministry of Employment & Vocational Training
Ministry of Communication Technologies & Digital Economy
Ministry of National Education
Ministry of Industry & Technology
Ministry of Education
In addition to ministry invitations, the organisers and the Government of Oman will be ensuring the participation of universities from participating countries as well as key intergovernmental organisations such as The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and UNESCO.
“The highlights that I see is the possibility of technology to make access to education easier, better management of the education system…
better content & better teacher training.”
Mario Franco – CEO, Millennium@Edu Sustainable Education

Industry Solutions to Inspire Innovation
MENA Innovation 2019 offers an outstanding choice of different options to industry solution providers, allowing companies to select a partnership package that determines the number of pre-scheduled meetings and branding throughout the event. ArabBrains partners can choose the level that best meets their business development objectives and is a proven method of raising company profile and maximising exposure.
Benefits include a variety of options for exhibition, corporate presentation, chairing of a ministerial panel session, imaginative ways to showcase your company on delegate bags, badges and lanyards. Branding is throughout the venue on screens and banners, electronically on the MENA Innovation 2019 website and the option for inclusion in the ArabBrains e-newsletter plus branding and profiles on all printed material including the forum guide and agenda. Also special exclusive options for being the ministerial reception or gala dinner sponsor.
Priority meeting times are set aside for our top level partners. Demand is high and numbers are limited. Please see the ‘Participation Options’ document for the best partnership package to suit your needs and enhance your presence at the forum.

“The forum is extremely good. We have had a great opportunity to meet with a lot of high level people.”
Raghav Narayan – Vice President, Virtulive Technologies

“It’s almost a tradition now for Bi-Bright, but it’s a good tradition. The Brains organised forums have become a very well known and recognised brand.”
Manuel Mexia – International Development Manager, Bi-Bright Solutions
MENA Innovation Partners
“It is a very nice formula. Better than the traditional conference. We can meet at level so the
participation was a very valuable experience to connect with our customers in the region.”
Andrea Emiliani – Business Development, Academia, IBM Middle East